Most people think of NLP in terms of "techniques."
First, for purists, NLP offers no technique. It offers a modeling methodology and code. Whatever patterns a practitioner distills from his or her modeling activities pertain to their native field — not to the field of NLP.
Second, most of the so-called NLP techniques are really protocols of change — sets of step-by-step instructions that a Practitioner can follow to assist another in creating change in his or her life.
As such, it's useful to distinguish the term "technique" from the term "protocol."
Third, some of these "NLP techniques" are really skills. Anchoring, calibration and analogue marking, just to mention a few examples, are competencies that a practitioner has to practice. They are not a technique that someone can simply follow and apply.
So, with this disclaimer out of the way...
- Aligning Perceptual Positions
- Analogue Marking
- Anchoring
- Belief Chaining
- Calibration
- Cause and Effect Distortions
- Chaining States
- Changing Personal History
- Chunking Down
- Chunking Up
- Circle Of Excellence
- Collapsing Anchors
- Comparative Deletions
- Complex Equivalence
- Compulsion Blow-Out
- Conflict Resolution
- Conflicting Beliefs Integration
- Congruence
- Conscious And Subconscious
- Conversational Hypnosis
- Conversational Postulate
- Core Transformation
- Criteria Installation
- Decision Destroyer
- Deletions
- Denominalization
- Disjunction
- Distortions
- Double Binds
- Downtime
- Ecology Check
- Elicitation Of Learning Strategies
- Eliciting Subconscious Responses
- Embedded Commands
- Emotional Pain Management
- Extended Quotes
- Generalizations
- Hierarchy Of Criteria
- Hypnosis
- Implied Causes
- Inducing Amnesia
- Interrupting Limiting Associations
- Intonation
- Kinesthetic Criteria
- Lack of Referential Index
- Linguistic Ambiguities
- Linking Words
- Logical Levels
- Lost Performatives
- Meta Model
- Meta Programs
- Meta Transformation
- Meta-Model Challenging
- Meta-Model Intentional Usage
- Meta-Model Violations
- Metaphors
- Meta-Programs Identification
- Meta-states
- Milton Model
- Mind Reading
- Mirroring
- Modal Operators
- Modeling: Second Position
- Modeling: States Of Excellence
- Modeling: Third Position
- Nested Loops
- Nesting
- New Behavior Generator
- Nominalization
- Non-Verbal Cues Recognition
- Parts Conflict Integration
- Parts Negotiation
- Pattern Interrupt
- Perceptual Positions
- Phobia Cure
- Phonological Ambiguities
- Presuppositions
- Punctuation Ambiguities
- Quotes pattern
- Rapport: How To Create And Sustain Rapport
- Rapport: Pacing & Matching
- Rapport: Pacing and Leading
- Re-Imprinting
- Resolving Internal Conflicts
- Resourceful States
- Scope Ambiguities
- Selectional Restriction Violations
- Self Anchoring
- Sensory Acuity
- Six Steps Reframing
- Sleight Of Mouth: Content Reframing
- Sleight Of Mouth: Context Reframing
- Sleight Of Mouth: Outframing
- Sliding anchors
- State Induction
- State Of Consciousness Awareness
- Stimulating Representational Systems: Auditory
- Stimulating Representational Systems: Kinesthetic
- Stimulating Representational Systems: Visual
- Subliminal Persuasion
- Submodalities: Digital Vs. Analogue
- Submodality Overlapping
- Swish Pattern
- Syntactic Ambiguities
- Tag Questions
- Transderivational Search
- Universal Quantifiers
- Using Rep Systems
- Utilization
- Values Hierarchy Identification
- Visual Squash
- Well Defined Outcomes