Martin Messier

October 4, 2023

Know thyself (with NLP)

When you’re learning and mastering NLP, you’re bombarded constantly by models, skills, patterns, jargon, gurus and history to absorb. And all of them are absolutely important for you to master NLP. But if you want to learn NLP even faster and, more importantly, achieve results for you and/or for your clients much more rapidly, you absolutely MUST do what I’m about to tell you.

I was sitting around yesterday asking myself: “What one thing, if they actually did it, would most help my readers get results in NLP?”

In a way, it’s kind of obvious… There’s no way you can get anything done without figuring this out. But I can’t tell you how long it took me before I actually DID IT. So save yourself a lot of time and do it now!

You want to know what it is? I’ll tell you. But before I do, let me stress something else…

The phrase cast in stone on the temple of the Oracle in Delphi said: “Know Thyself”. To this day, it’s considered one of the most profound nuggets of wisdom humankind has received during the course of history.

But very few people actually figure out HOW to know themselves.

What I’m about to share with you will help you “Know Thyself” at least ten times faster than any other method I can think of.

I’m sure that most if not all NLP teachers would agree. And you will too, in an instant.

It’s so simple and at the same time so exciting I feel like whispering it to you… In fact, what I’ll do is say it to you and end the post right there without telling you another word. You’ll then have to start figuring it out for yourself.

*whispering* find out what your client’s driving sub-modalities are…

  • Hi Russ,

    Thanks for your question. Of course, I’ll be going into sub-modalities in greater detail in today’s post. Driving sub-modalities are the particular sub-modalities that give impact to a particular visualization piece. Note that when I say visualization, I’m referring to a full sensory hallucination (visualizing with sight, sound, feeling, smell and taste). I talked about this in a previous post –

    For some people, driving sub-modalities are visual location, distance of the picture, and volume of the sound. For others, driving sub-modalities might include colors, brightness, sound pitch and temperature.

    Finding out your driving sub-modalities has to do with figuring out which sensory elements have impact on you. Do you react most when sound volume goes up? Do you react most when the picture grows in size? Do you react most when the picture moves from left to right? Do you react most when you feel pressure in your legs?

    Today and in the next few days, I’ll detail visual, auditory and kinesthetic sub-modalities so that you have the full menu available at any time.

    Does this make sense?

  • this is my number one complaint about NLP — my brain doesn’t move this slow. How can I get a handle on what actually is going on, I can apply just one change and move it like a slider while everything else is frozen. My brain will not cooperate, it resists me moving the slider or scrambles it up, how can I begin to read this? It is not that orderly. It mocks me in fact when I try to apply any of this stuff. ha ha just try it. too wild. it mocks me because swish has always had no effect when I did it. “adding sizzle to your response” yeah I read that, I tell ya it’s not that orderly to do once let alone several times and expect something to be yoked in memory. what I really need is to stop doing something the same way every time, awareness of other possibilities. change a limiting response for example.

    • Hey Rich,

      Try going into an alpha state of brainwaves before playing around with this stuff. It will give you the slowdown you need.

  • Hey Martin

    How can I reach the Alpha state of Brain waves ?

    Would you please explain to me how that works ? when would we need to go into an alpha state of brainwaves.

    Thank you

    • Hello Nesrine,

      Sorry for taking so long to respond. I just got back from vacation.

      The critical element in training yourself is to identify the FEELING of being in an alpha state. Once you know how it feels, it becomes easier and easier to go back to it. It enables you to tell yourself QUIETLY: “OK, I’m there…”

      Mastering the alpha state (and with more training, the theta and, maybe, delta states) enables you to stop your internal dialogue and control what content works through your mind. This allows you to boost the power of visualization, enhance your focus, minimize distractions, stabilize your emotions and increase your overall confidence.

      It’s also useful to go into an alpha state when running NLP patterns on yourself to condition them more quickly.

      You can take several approaches to reaching an alpha state. The easiest and most elegant is the one I teach in The Mystic Trance. But you can use other strategies as well: staring at a candle, at a floating pendulum, listening to the sound of running water.

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