Martin Messier

December 22, 2023

Selling to a kinesthetic client

I remember a client who was utterly baffled by Salesforce. To him, it was as elusive as a foreign language. It was only when I switched gears, interweaving sports metaphors into our conversations, that he began to grasp it.

In NLP, we often talk about visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities. Each person leans towards a sensory preference that shapes their perception and understanding of the world, based on their own experience. That preference can evolve, of course, and isn't a configuration set in stone forever.

What's important about this distinction, though, is that it's not just about learning styles; it's about connecting, about reaching into someone's world through the sensory channels they resonate with most.

Consider for a moment a person who is predominantly kinesthetic. They experience life through movement and touch. Abstract concepts might seem distant to them, like trying to grasp the wind. But one you begin to relate these concepts to physical experiences, to the feel of a basketball spinning on a finger or the rush of a sprint, you've got their attention.

This adaptability isn't just a technique; it's an art. It's about being in tune with the person you're leading, understanding their world, and speaking their language. It's like being a chameleon, subtly shifting your colors to align with theirs.

So next time you're working with someone and you hit a wall, pause. Consider their sensory world. Do they crave vivid imagery and metaphors? Do they lean towards tone and rhythm as their primary guides? Or do they make sense of the world through movement and touch?

In adapting our approach, we don't just teach or guide; we connect. We create a bridge between our understanding and theirs, making the complex simple, the elusive graspable. This is the essence of stepping into another's shoes and walking their path with them.

In the end, as I always mention, it's not about NLP techniques you read about or watch online; it's about human connection. It's about finding people's unique map to navigate it. When we do, we unlock potentials and possibilities, not just for them, but for us as practitioners.

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